La décadanse

SIDMANTRA (heavy alt rock) + ED BANGER & THE KARDASHITS (space rock)

La Makhno

La Makhno a le plaisir de vous présenter:

🏴‍☠ SIDMANTRA (heavy alt. rock/CH)
🏴‍☠ ED BANGER & THE KARDASHITS (space pirate rock/CH)

Officiellement fondé en 2015 & baptisé SIDMANTRA, le groupe puise son inspiration musicale des piliers du rock 70's et 90's tels que Black Sabbath, Soundgarden et Alice in Chains. Explorant les recoins sombres de la pensée, leur son, puissant et mélodique à la fois, délivre cependant un message positif.

Let us tell you the story about the Space Pirate ED BANGER & THE KARDASHITS. Coming straight from the Tanqua’puv galaxy, he wanted to take a short cut through the closest wormhole he could found… The earth he thought had been destroyed by humanity was still there and he didn’t have enough time left to pull the brakes… a crash later he discovered that the only joys left on earth were rock’n’roll, alcohol, sex, video games and Star Wars. What else do you need ?

🏴‍☠ Entrée prix libre
🏴‍☠ Portes & pizzas 19h
🏴‍☠ Premier live 21h30
21:00 – 02:00
prix libre
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