La décadanse

#HackYourSport : Sport & Innovation (Hackathon)


Have a look at the website of the event :

Marathon + Hacking = Hackathon

Usually described as an event lasting several days, in which a large number of people meet and engage their expertise in order to solve the problematics of companies.

HackYourSport = Innovation in the sport industry

​During 2 days, participants will enlarge their network, have direct contact with companies from the sport industry and, for most of the event, will built an innovative solution to the problematic of the company they choose to follow.

At the end of the week-end, the jury members will choose the team with the best ideas.

Get your ticket :
19:00 – 23:30
L'evenement commence le vendredi soir à 19h et se termine le dimanche en fin d'après midi
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par h4hgva le 14 août 2018