La décadanse

FILM "SI LE MURS PARLAIENT" + Table ronde: Reconstruction de la memoire



Screening of documentary film “If Walls Could Talk’ (30 mins) by Sergio Jaramillo
Panel discussion with:

Alfredo Camelo, Psychologist and co-founder of Pluriels Centre for Ethnopsychology.

Daniel Orson Ybarra, Artist and co-founder of Abanico, organisation of intercultural exchange projects.

Jose Marin Gonzales, Docteur en anthropologie de l’Université de la Sorbonne et diplômé de l’Institut des Hautes études de l’Amérique Latine de Paris.

Jasmina El Boudouhi, Anthropologist, University of Neuchatel.

Between 1999 and 2005 thousands of people were killed and millions forcefully displaced in the rural communities of Colombia by the brutal conflict between national armed forces, paramilitary groups and guerrilla groups.

From footage filmed in East Antioquia “If Walls Could Talk” explores the creation of memorial from personal histories, abandoned spaces and the reconstruction of a rural way of life.

The panel will discuss the question of what happens when material culture is destroyed and communities are displaced in political conflicts. Who decides what to do? How does the reconstruction process take place? How can we commemorate the people, historical events and the empty spaces that are left behind ?
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