La décadanse

Ecstatic & Wingless Bird-Imitation on Four Continents

Bongo Joe


le sujet trop étrange, l'occasion trop belle, nous accueillons dimanche à la dernière minute Ian Nagoski (USA):

Documentaire / performance sur l’histoire du chant d'oiseau

Ce dimanche, Ian Nagoski vient nous parler de son très beau label Canary Records qui fait la part belle depuis sa création aux très vieux enregistrements de tous genres musicaux.

Son travail actuel se concentre sur les enregistrements d'oiseaux et les imitations des chants d'oiseaux entre 1910 et 1944. À travers l'imagination du 20ème siècle Ian tisse des liens entre ces enregistrements aussi obscure que drôle afin de nous raconter une histoire d'un genre de musique peu connu, d'oiseaux-téléphones, de canaries robots, de perroquets mal polis et d'imitateurs d'oiseaux proche de la folie.

Bird-Imitation on Four Continents.

Ecstatic & Wingless is an audio documentary project on early 20th century birdsong and its direct relationship on human performance - and human action on birdsong. It tells the story not only of the first recordings of cagebirds but also the practice of bird-imitation, a field that produced amazing and eccentric celebrities during the 1910s-20s. Rarely heard in recent years, bird imitation was also recorded commercially on every continent by 1925 and likely predates music or language in human history.
Music researcher Ian Nagoski has previously explored the porous boundaries of culture through 78rpm records of immigrants from collapsing European and Near Eastern empires as they arrived in the U.S. in early 20th century, and in the process, learned the stories of great, forgotten performers. With Ecstatic & Wingless, he has opened his exploration to the world of vaudevillians and bird-fanciers, of canaries, nightingales, finches, and the people who studied them, poeticized them, and tried to be them.

Présentation en anglais
Entrée Gratuite + Chapeau
18:30 – 20:30
entrée libre
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