La décadanse

Mighty Bombs / Gva / High Voltage Garage Punk

Mighty Bombs is a garage punk band based in Geneva, formed in Autumn 2015. An energetic power trio composed of Onne Wan (Las Furias, The Trap )on guitar and vocals, Lucy Cat on bass and backing vocals and Max (Demon Vendetta, The Last Brigade, The Dustburds) on drums.

Son premier EP vinyle 12" Not of this Earth (Gps Prod CH, Casbah Records FR et Lucinda Records ES) est sorti le 5 Mai 2017. Maintenant ils préparent son premier album qui sortira fin 2018.
17:00 – 18:30
Prix Libre
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par Herr Liebe le 28 avril 2018