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Sneaky Bones / us / folk - blues

Sneaky Bones / us / folk - blues
apéro 18:00 - live 18:30 - prix libre

Le projet Sneaky Bones est né dans la tête de Matthew Bean, un multi-instrumentiste, auteur-compositeur de Seattle. Avec l'aide d'une équipe de potes Bean a lentement façonné sa vision aux racines du folk. Les versions habituellement acoustiques seront alourdies et accompagnés par deux compères lors de son passage à Genève.

Sneaky Bones is the brainchild of Matthew Bean, a Seattle-based multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, producer, and all-around giant. With the help of a talented rotating cast of collaborators, Bean has been slowly carving his folk vision into the textures of genre land. Warm acoustic instruments, heavy pedal steel, and lucid leads are the well-worn handle on Bean’s sharpest tool – his striking melodic, harmonic, and lyrical sensibilities.
The songs stand on their own, punctuated by the captivating deliveries and absorbing performances of Sneaky Bones as a live solo act. Fluid storytelling, guitar playing, and experimentation calmly hold your hand as Bean takes you through his musical landscape, broadly labeled as folk music. If you listen to his records or catch a larger ensemble, it is icing on the cake.
18:30 – 19:30
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par Herr Liebe le 29 octobre 2017