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Handsome Hank & his Lonesome Boys Live! @ Mr Pickwick

Mr Pickwick

Handsome Hank and his Lonesome Boys Live s’est formé en 1997 comme groupe Bluegrass. Ils connurent leurs premiers succès en adaptant des chansons connues dans le style Bluegrass.
Ils viendront présenter leur tout dernier album, Roll down the line, diffusé sur les ondes de la RTS.

Handsome Hank and his Lonesome Boys formed in 1997 as a bluegrass band. They played at bluegrass jamborees and festivals for a few years, but soon began to specialize on the countrification of well-known rock and pop classics.
They will showcase their last album Roll down the line, which is broadcast on national radios La Première & Option musique.
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