La décadanse

Closet Club / Florebo

ICV Arcade

Special mini Closet Club 2nd hand designer sale from 18h30 to 20h15 / plus Cocktails by Kate.

Florebo, music from Ile de la Réunion - Concert 20h30

Style icon Brenda will be at ICV with an amazing stash of designer clothes -
from tshirts to evening gowns, shoes, bags and accessories : YSL, Stella
McCartney, Moschino - you name it - your chance to grab a designer bargain for
yourself or as a Christmas gift at a fabulous price


Cocktails by Kate: cocktail supremo Kate will be at ICV making her Geneva
famous cocktails all evening long. She will be creating two very special
cocktails especially for the evening at special ICV prices

Don't miss this special one-off stylish event - a cocktail in one hand, a
designer goodie in the other, while tapping your Blahniked toe to the sounds of
Florebo as of 20h30!

And all proceeds go to ICV charity activities!
18:30 – 22:00
entrée libre / chapeau pour les artistes
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par ICV le 31 octobre 2013