La décadanse

Paul Lovens-Guy Bettini-Louis Schild

Tivoli 16

''concert freejazz''

Paul Lovens (batteur mythique, UK)
Guy Bettini (trompette, Tessin)
Louis Schild (basse, Lôz)

Paul Lovens somehow epitomises the free drummer/percussionist who is not there to lay down the beat and kick everyone else into action but to listen, colour, contribute, guide, and occasionally direct, the overall cooperative sound. In concert one cannot fail to be moved by his intensity and concentration and there is an overiding feeling that even the most random events are somehow planned in time. Lovens describes his kit as consisting of 'selected and unselected drums and cymbals'.
Signaler une erreur Ajouté par Youthman le 1er juillet 2011